How space
comes to life
Every day, a child comes to school - to a certain space that has been created for them. We often underestimate the impact of space on a person. Walls are just walls. But this is only on the surface, if you dig deeper, this is how it works.
Sharp, sharp contours subconsciously cause a state of anxiety and tension. Smooth, flexible lines and pastel colors soothe, create a sense of comfort and security.
Beauty around nurtures beauty inside, encourages us to create beauty around us. It is easy to see this in the way children arrange a space for play, and later - their room or nook. And in later life, they create a living space around them: they plant a flower bed under the house or make a garbage dump around the corner.
When you come to a cozy place where every detail is made with your own hands and with a lot of love, it usually makes your heart warm, and you immediately feel friendly and caring towards the people in this space.
Studies show that prolonged exposure to dark, cluttered rooms with lots of dark colors and sharp corners can cause deterioration of health, inhibition of physiological processes, headaches, general weakness and apathy.
In a beautiful space, with all sorts of interesting things and surprises, your lips stretch into a smile, and your mood becomes high. Large, bright rooms, light colors in the design create a feeling of lightness, freedom and elation.
A living space that is constantly changing offers new ideas and interesting solutions, encourages our imagination to work, to speculate on how it was realized, how it was done, and, accordingly, to generate our own creative ideas.
The space that is created together forms a careful attitude towards both the space itself and the participants who created it. After all, it is ours, common. It gives a sense of belonging to something common and forms a team.
That is why our Waldorf school "Svitovid" pays so much attention to the school's space. One of our design principles is beauty and naturalness. There are many handmade decorative elements in the classroom, natural furniture that still retains the smell of the forest. There is always a table of seasons. The teacher changes it according to the seasons and it is a real work of art.

Вальдорфський простір – це простір див. Кожну пору року міняється стіл сезонів й оформлення простору, періодично з’являються якість маленькі сюрпризи для дітей. Діти з такою радістю шукають різдвяні зірки на вікнах, радіють весняним пташкам, дивуються тому, як проростає травичка на Великдень, що ти й сам радієш поряд, як дитина.
In general, in a Waldorf school, teachers and parents do almost all the decorating. With great love and inspiration. You can spend hours in awe of felting gnomes, dried flower arrangements, or sewn birds.
And thanks to the efforts of two talented mothers of second-graders, Kateryna and Yana, the "DECOR" PROJECT has also appeared in our school. As part of this project, mothers are involved in decorating our space. This is how beautiful details appear around, how the space comes to life. This is how the anticipation of spring was born in our school: a bird made of threads will appear on a branch somewhere, spring stained glass windows remind us of the red spring, crystals ring in the classroom - as if they are calling for spring.
Thank you, wonderful mothers, for these gifts of accommodation for children and for us adults.

One of the main principles of education at our school is the child's natural readiness for activity. There is no need to invent anything here: just observe the child's natural needs, study the peculiarities of physiology of a certain age. How does the body develop? And how does the brain form, what processes is it capable of at this age? And the psyche - how is it formed, what influences this process? What about hands and fingers? Nature itself has already laid everything down, the main thing is to follow it, not dictate its rules.
Let's take readiness to write. To start writing, hands must be ready to hold a pencil easily and correctly. This is physiologically extremely difficult until the age of seven, because the hands are not yet formed. The photo shows the hand of a preschooler and the hand of a seven-year-old student. Which hand is physiologically ready to hold a pencil?
That is why in our kindergarten children do not write, but sculpt, roll out dough, weave, build, pour, stick a thread into the eye of a needle, sort through cereals, and have a variety of tactile sensations. By developing fine motor skills, we help the hand to form.
In the first grade, children learn to write with chalk pencils - rather large, rectangular in shape, which allows their fingers to get used to writing. And in the second grade, they can confidently hold a pencil and calmly draw heavy lines and shapes, write letters, connect them, and enjoy the writing process.
There is another advantage of being in tune with nature. When a child begins to do something that he or she is physiologically ripe for, he or she usually does it easily. And it is an indescribable joy and inspiration for a child to see the beautiful results of their efforts. And this is the key to the desire to go further and learn.
We invite you to our kindergarten and elementary school, where the nature of the child and his or her needs are of the highest value to us.
Based on materials: Mindful Moments Preschool & Before/After School Care. Traduccción: Crianza con Paz

Address: 08160, Kyiv, Kyiv region,
Fastiv district, Hatne village,
12, Abrikosova str. 45
Phone: +38 067 676 3836