
We create space for a free personality

A child's true self-discovery is possible only where there is a sense of trust in people and the world. And we work every day to make this feeling grow in children's hearts. For 16 years, we have been lovingly creating a space for the healthy and comprehensive development of your children. After all, a healthy, kind, sensitive and happy child can only be raised in a healthy, kind and sensitive environment.

Our kindergarten is:

A private yard in the countryside

Healthy rhythmic living of the day, week, year

Delicious home-cooked food

English, music therapy, eurythmy classes

An atmosphere of acceptance and love

Only natural quality materials
Вся діяльність в садку відповідаЄ природним ритмам і потребам дитини.

У нас багато рукоділля, ремесла, казок, а ще вільної гри й прогулянок. Так діти навчаються бути в моменті, розвивають дрібну моторику, формують соціальні навички, бачать результати й користь своєї роботи. Це формує в дітях впевненість в собі та любов до праці.

A child's whole day in kindergarten is filled with singing and movement. Each activity flows smoothly into each other in accordance with the rhythms of the day, and these transitions do not take away children's strength, but rather fill them up.
We use only natural materials, and the entire space is decorated by children and educators. This forms values in children, helps them to distinguish the real from the fake, to feel the beauty and harmony around them.

We have a junior and senior group. In addition, the last year before graduation, children attend classes with teachers, which allows them to prepare for school in a harmonious way, taking into account their age-related needs.

Sign up for a guided tour
to get to know us


Private institution of preschool education "Waldorf kindergarten "Sonyah"

Address: 12, Abrikosova St.,
Hatne village, Fastiv district, Kyiv region,
08160, Ukraine, room. 45

Phone: +38 067 676 3836

License: Order of the Kyiv Regional State Administration No. 46, dated January 27, 2022, "On Issuance of a License to Conduct Educational Activities of an Educational Institution".

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