
We help you to feel the taste of life and its diversity

In the camp, children not only develop but also discover themselves, gaining inner strength and readiness to change the world for the better.

Our camps are:

Inspirational teachers and interesting programs

4 home-cooked meals a day, tailored to your needs
Outings, excursions, healthy rhythm for the child
Music lessons, crafts, outdoor games, painting
We put a lot of love and skills into organizing camps

We create a special atmosphere and fill each shift with interesting and useful activities. Each family in the camp becomes close and dear to us and returns to the camp again and again.

Sign up for a guided tour
to get to know us


Private Institution "Free Waldorf Gymnasium of Kyiv Region «Svitovid»

Address: 12, Abrikosova St.,
Hatne village, Fastiv district, Kyiv region,
08160, Ukraine, room. 45

Phone: +38 067 676 3836

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